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Carbon Removal Basel 2023

Portrait of Markus Turber
Markus Turber


Carbon Removal Basel 2023

In April, the society of those actively involved in carbon removal met in Basel. In other words, those who want to find solutions to get CO2 out of the atmosphere and back into biomass and into the ground. I would like to tell you briefly about my trip to Carbon Removal Basel 2023, which I made together with friends from Switzerland and our Stuttgart friends from TREEO Johannes and Stefan.

Here are my impressions of the first contact with the global carbon removal community - in a nutshell:

  1. Necessity of Removals. The extent of the predictable necessary CO2 sinks is gigantic. The pressure to act is enormous.
  2. Prepared to Scale. I was pleasantly surprised by the maturity of the market design and the existing checks and balances, despite legal shortcomings.
  3. Sharp Minds! The topic attracts the brightest minds thanks to its urgency and relevance. No easy matter for a newcomer to the discussion.
  4. Good Climate! Our organizer Carbon Future, led by CEO Dr. Hannes Junginger proved a good hand in making a family out of the global CDR community. Thanks Hannes and team! 5 Infectious! The passion and heart for the cause are highly captivating for newcomers to the field. I will gladly come back and bring colleagues for reinforcement.

If you've read this far, you're probably interested in the hard facts. The event has been recorded. You can find the videos here.

The keynotes

The opening keynote by Dr. Jan Minx comes highly recommended as a perfect introduction to the topic of carbon removal. He presented the results of the meta-study The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal. Here you can also find the website with the study.

The panel discussion Buyers' Perspective on a Carbon Market at Scale offers exciting insights into the viewpoints and motives of buyers of CDR.

As you know, I have a passion for start-ups. Those who share it will appreciate the two Carbon Removal Technology Presentations: Go here for Session 1 and Session 2.

Last but not least, a special treat: A bio-geo-love story by geoscientist and science slam talent Maria-Elena Vorrath from the University of Hamburg.

We hope you enjoy reading and watching the films, Markus Turber.

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