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About us
Portrait of Ludwig, Stephan and Jan

Portrait of Lisa Scherner
Lisa Scherner


Say hello to Ludwig, Stephan and Jan

We would like to introduce to you our three new talented Intuity colleagues. Say hello to Ludwig Rensch, Stephan Bogner and Jan Barth. We’re really happy to have them here.

Ludwig Rensch is an Industrial Designer and his work seeks to connect the physical and the digital world. Due to his Hands-On approach, he’s building and tinkering at Intuity’s workshop area, designs 3D models and puts his effort into making the interaction with technology pleasant and natural.

Stephan Bogner is designer (and sometimes artist). He is curious about how technology affects our thinking, feeling and behaviour and what this means to us as humans – check out (some of) his work on stephanbogner.de .

Jan Barth is an Interaction Designer with a passion for making ideas tangible. He is a co-author of the book “Prototyping Interfaces – Interactives Skizzieren mit VVVV” and just recently returned to Germany after living and working in the United States for several years.